We are constantly training legal clerks in the bar and election stage. We are also happy to employ part time legal clerks.

Since we are always looking for promising talent, we also consider the legal clerkship as an opportunity to get to know each other better.

What we offer:

  • Involvement in the daily practices of the firm: you will work in a team from day one and assist our lawyers in their daily tasks.
  • Mentoring: during your legal clerkship, you will be assisted by a mentor who will be your personal contact on site. Our mentors are lawyers who have already gained initial professional experience but are still close enough to the traineeship to understand you and your needs.
  • Training programme: We offer location-related training events specifically for trainees based on topics from our practice groups on a regular basis.
  • Participation in law firm events: we want to get to know you – not only professionally, but also personally. Therefore, our trainees are very welcome at our internal events such as training events, our legal meetings, or corporate events.
  • Support for the placement of a training stage abroad: due to our memberships in numerous worldwide networks, we can assist you in arranging your election stage abroad.


What we expect from you:

  • An above-average first state examination
  • Adequate knowledge of English
  • Team skills and commitment
  • Interest in economic topics and international issues


Experience reports:

Susan Weltz, Frankfurt am Main

Jasmin Seipold, Frankfurt am Main


Click here for the current vacancies.