News: Juracon 2018
Auf der Karrieremesse für Juristen werden wir mit einem Team von Rechtsanwälten aus unterschiedlichen Kompetenzbereichen vertreten sein. Hier können Sie mit ihnen ins Gespräch kommen und sich über den Einstieg in unsere Kanzlei oder auch über Referendariate informieren. Sind Sie noch mitten im Studium? Dann könnte unsere neue Summer School für Sie in Frage kommen! […]
/ Prof. Dr. Moritz Lorenz
- Admitted to the German Bar in 2002, joined Arnecke Sibeth Dabelstein in 2016;
- Advice in all areas of German and EU competition law, as well as EU State Aid law, in particular in relation to merger control, in connection with cartel infringements; dominance issues, the drafting of distribution contracts, cooperations and technology licencing, as well as the enforcement of damage claims arising out of cartel infringements. Setting up and review of compliance systems and conduct of internal investigations into compliance incidents.
- Extensive experience in the area of State Aid law on the side of both public authorities and private companies.
- Professional experience: Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Berlin (2004–2016)
- Legal clerkship in the district of the Higher Regional Court of Munich (2000–2002)
- Studied in Passau, Taipeh/Taiwan and Moscow (1994–1999)
- PhD in Law from Passau University; research stay as visiting scholar at Boston University Law School.
- Honorary Professor at Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
Lawyer: Thomas Knöpfle
- Admitted to the German Bar in 1993, joined ARNECKE SIBETH DABELSTEIN in 1993
- Practice areas: Real Estate, Corporate, Finance, M&A, IP, IT, Commercial. Legal advisor and service provider on commercial law and general business law; long standing professional experience in corporate law; advising and assisting in a large number of company formations and M&A’s; advising managing directors/CEO’s
- Legal clerkship and university studies in Freiburg i.Br.
Publication: Blockchain
/ Chambers Global Ranking 2018
INTERLAW has been recognized by Chambers Global 2018 as a leading law firm network. The international orientation and the strong regional presence are decisive for its success. INTERLAW is located in 140 cities worldwide. Regular regional meetings, secondment programs and business teams strengthen the global cooperation and promote the exchange of expertise between the members. Meritas is […]
/ Regulated working life
Munich (May 25, 2018). Foreign real estate investors continue to push on to the German market – and with this comes lots of work for lawyers. Even experts like the hospitality specialist Dr Anton Ostler, Partner at the law firm Arnecke Sibeth in Munich and hospitalityInside’s editorial expert for legal must repeatedly explain the ins […]
Das britische Businessmagazin für Rechtsanwälte und In-house Anwälte “The Lawyer” hat die Nominierungen für die The Lawyer European Awards 2018 bekannt gegeben. ARNECKE SIBETH geht in der Kategorie Law firm of the year: Germany mit sechs weiteren Kanzleien ins Rennen. Auch die beiden internationalen Netzwerke, INTERLAW und Meritas, bei denen ARNECKE SIBETH langjähriges und sehr […]
/ Dr. Michael Schmidt
- Admitted to the German Bar in 1996, joined Arnecke Sibeth Dabelstein in 2004
- Long-standing corporate law and tax advice for the logistics, automotive, distribution, pharmaceutical, and consultancy services industry; specialised in transaction-related corporate law and fiscal affairs advice for medium-sized family owned companies as well as global corporations. Experienced in the field of planning, preparation, and negotiation of M&A transactions, post-merger restructuring, and organisation of joint ventures; ongoing advice on commercial, corporate, and tax law.
- Professional experience: Mayer Brown LLP (formerly: Mayer, Brown & Platt Gaedertz), Frankfurt am Main (2001–2004); GAEDERTZ Lawyers, Frankfurt am Main, (1997–2001/Partner 2001); Albert, Flad & Schlosshan, Frankfurt am Main (1996–1997); Julius-Maximilians University Würzburg, Institute of German and Foreign Procedural Law, research assistant (1990–1996)
- Legal clerkship in Würzburg, Aschaffenburg and Detmold (1987–1990); training stage at the Bavarian Financial Administration/Legal Redress Office Würzburg
- Studied in Würzburg (1981–1986)
- Tax consultant (since 2001); PhD in tax law at Würzburg University (1996, summa cum laude); professor of private law at Fresenius University of Applied Sciences (2015–2018)
Lawyer: Markus Schmitt
- Admitted to the German Bar in 2003, joined Arnecke Sibeth Dabelstein in 2011
- Advising real estate, renewable energies, logistics, and insurance industries, specifically in the fields of corporate and real estate law (primarily sales and leases of real estate) and general contract law. Extensive experience in the area of transactions (specifically in complex real estate transactions, share deals and asset deals), as well as ongoing real estate and corporate law advice, including contract drafting. Extensive experience in judicial and extrajudicial pursuit of claims; accomplished litigator also in complex large-scale cases concerning compliance violations and disputes with executives or shareholders.
- Professional experience: practice with a focus on real estate, corporate and procedural law at the following law firms: Bouchon & Partner (2008–2011), Sauer, Schmitt & Krämer (2003–2008); research assistant at Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt/Main (1995–2000), Lecturer on civil, commercial and corporate law at the Hessische Verwaltungs- und Wirtschaftsakademie für Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht (1996–2007) and the University of Applied Sciences for Economics and Management (FOM) in the fields of private commercial law, commercial and corporate law (2003–2008).
- Legal clerkship in Frankfurt/Main and Darmstadt (2001–2002)
- Studied at Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt/Main (1988–1994)
Lawyer: Dr. Wolfgang Scholl
- Admitted to the German Bar in 1999, joined Arnecke Sibeth Dabelstein in 2011, Managing Partner
- Practicing in the field of corporate, M&A, corporate finance; extensive knowledge and experience in structuring and negotiating transactions with a focus on real estate and renewable energies
- Professional experience: Diversified experience as lawyer and in-house counsel; Bouchon & Partner (2008–2011), Schalast & Partner (2006–2008)
- Legal clerkship in Stuttgart (1997–1999)
- Studied at University of Konstanz and Eberhard Karls University Tübingen
- PhD in Law from Eberhard Karls University, Tübingen (2000)
Lawyer: Prof. Dr. Dieter Schwampe
- Admitted to the German Bar in 1985, joined ARNECKE SIBETH DABELSTEIN in 1985
- Advice in all areas of insurance, specifically maritime insurance law (drafting of terms, cover issues, legal representation, recourse actions ) and maritime law (freight contracts, bills of lading, collisions, salvages, general average), and transportation law (road, air, inland water transport ), regularly appointed as arbitrator, more than 100 lectures and presentations at national and international events
- Legal clerkship in Hamburg (from 1981)
- PhD in law (1983–1984)
Lawyer: Michael Siebold
- Admitted to the German Bar in 1986, joined Arnecke Sibeth Dabelstein in 1989, Emeritus 2024
- Legal clerkship at Munich District Court (1983–1986)
- Studied at LMU Munich (1979–1983)
- LL.M., University of Toronto/Canada (1986)
Location: Frankfurt
Frankfurt am Main has always been characterised by its internationality. As the centre of the dynamic economic region FrankfurtRheinMain, Frankfurt am Main is one of the leading European business hub. Its central location, the excellent infrastructure including one of the continent’s largest airports, the concentration of innovative companies and its internationality put Frankfurt in a leading […]
/ Hamburg
Maritime business law has been practised by ARNECKE SIBETH DABELSTEIN at the Hamburg location for more than 85 years. Shipping, transportation and insurance law, as well as the law of (renewable) energies are the main focus of our business. In these industries, we have been at home for decades and are seeded regularly as a […]
/ Leer
In a constantly changing global economy, the ability to adapt and evolve is crucial for competitiveness and the economic success of companies. Notably located at the river Ems axis, this economic success is based on long-term corporate strategies. We have consistently adhered to this regional entrepreneurial spirit over the last 15 years and have grown […]
/ Berlin
Since 2014, ARNECKE SIBETH DABELSTEIN has been steadily expanding its Berlin office and its presence as a commercial law firm in Berlin. Our clients are local, national, and international companies. A particular focus is on providing legal advice to start-ups. At the same time, banks, the public sector and selected private individuals as well as […]
/ JURAcon Munich 2018
Besuchen Sie uns am 28. November 2018 auf der JURAcon in München und lernen Sie uns kennen! Weitere Infos zur Veranstaltung finden Sie hier.
/ Aircraft repossession in Germany
Although aircraft repossession is used only as a last resort, it remains unfortunately inevitable in some cases. Under German law, there are no self-help rights available to owners in order to take possession of an aircraft.
/ JUSTINA Augsburg 2018
Besuchen Sie uns am 18. Oktober 2018 auf der JUSTINA in Augsburg und kommen Sie mit uns ins Gespräch! Weitere Infos zur Veranstaltung finden Sie hier.
/ Workshop ARNECKE SIBETH DABELSTEIN and Ginkgo Management Consulting
„Die digitalisierte Supplychain im Kreuzfeuer von Smart Contracts und IoT“ am 21.06.2018 um 16.30 Uhr, in die Große Elbstraße 36, 22767 Hamburg. Ziel des Workshops ist es, die Entwicklungspotentiale einer digitalisierten Supplychain aus verschiedenen unternehmerischen Perspektiven zu beleuchten und gemeinsam über Chancen und Risiken zu diskutieren. Unsere Experten werden Kurzreferate vortragen. Für Fragen zu dieser […]
/ New package travel law affects air carriers
On 1 July 2018 the EU Package Travel Directive (2015/2302/EC) entered into force in Germany. Germany implemented the directive by updating its travel legislation in the Civil Code. As the directive pursues maximum harmonisation and leaves national legislature little room to deviate, the Civil Code adopted most of its provisions.
/ New package travel law affects air carriers
On 1 July 2018 the EU Package Travel Directive (2015/2302/EC) entered into force in Germany. Germany implemented the directive by updating its travel legislation in the Civil Code. As the directive pursues maximum harmonisation and leaves national legislature little room to deviate, the Civil Code adopted most of its provisions.
/ Across boundaries
Legal Business teamed up with global referral group Interlaw to ask GCs about the service they get across borders
/ Extended rights for passengers of connecting flights outside EU territory
On 31 May 2018 the European Court of Justice (ECJ) issued a decision regarding the scope of Article 3(1)(a) of EU Regulation 261/2004.(1) With its decision on the applicability of the regulation to connecting flights departing from an airport situated outside an EU member state, the ECJ has countered the longstanding position of the Federal […]
/ The future of networks
Networks believe they are winning their battle with global law firms as advances in technology and cultural awareness play into their hands. The law firm network model received one of the most significant vindications of its success in 2015 when Dentons announced it was launching its own referral network, NextLaw, into this competitive market. The […]
/ Wie wird die verlängerte Vorhaltung einer Containeranlage abgerechnet?
BauR 2018, 248-255 (Heft 2)
/ Chambers & Partners General Counsel Seminar in London
Join the Chambers & Partners General Counsel Seminar on the subject of “A Practical Perspective of the GDPR: Main Challenges and Ongoing Compliance” on June 14. In the panel session, Hans Georg Helwig, our Partner and member of the Meritas Data Protection Group will discuss and share some of the practical steps companies have taken […]
/ Regional court prohibits HolidayPirates’ error fare alerts
The Munich Regional Court recently addressed the promotion of error fares by an online portal, HolidayPirates, for cheap travel deals. The promotions, which had encouraged customers to book error fares for flights published accidentally by airlines, were deemed unlawful due to a deliberate obstruction of competition in contravention of the Act Against Unfair Competition.
/ Regional court prohibits HolidayPirates’ error fare alerts
The Munich Regional Court recently addressed the promotion of error fares by an online portal, HolidayPirates, for cheap travel deals. The promotions, which had encouraged customers to book error fares for flights published accidentally by airlines, were deemed unlawful due to a deliberate obstruction of competition in contravention of the Act Against Unfair Competition.
/ Regional court prohibits HolidayPirates’ error fare alerts
The Munich Regional Court recently addressed the promotion of error fares by an online portal, HolidayPirates, for cheap travel deals. The promotions, which had encouraged customers to book error fares for flights published accidentally by airlines, were deemed unlawful due to a deliberate obstruction of competition in contravention of the Act Against Unfair Competition.
/ Chambers Global Ranking 2018
Meritas has been recognized by Chambers Global 2018 as a leading law firm network. A special quality assurance programme, which collates feedback from both clients and referring firms, maintains the same high working standards at 172 member firms from over 80 countries. Interlaw is also one of the elite networks. The international orientation and the […]
/ Sich neu erfinden-Im Blickpunkt: Die Bank von morgen, von der Vertriebsgesellschaft zum Technologiekonzern
/ Dresden
The Dresden team of ARNECKE SIBETH DABELSTEIN has been well-known staple in the Dresden market since the early nineties. We serve a large number of local and nationwide based clients with whom we have grown for decades. A team of experienced and highly specialised lawyers ensures our focused full-service approach and, if necessary, we bring […]
/ Dr. Marcus Webersberger
- Admitted to the German Bar in 2014, joined Arnecke Sibeth Dabelstein in 2014
- Practice focused focus on commercial, corporate, and insolvency law, ship financing, restructuring and M&A as well as maritime commercial law, transport and logistics, in depth experience in contract drafting in German and English language, experienced litigator
- Professional experience: Legal clerkship at Dabelstein & Passehl and a law firm with a focus on transport and commercial law (2013–2014)
- Legal clerkship at Bamberg Higher Regional Court (2012–2014)
- Studied at Bayreuth University (2005–2011)
- PhD in law from Augsburg University (2011–2014)
Lawyer: Kathrin Vaupel
- Admitted to the German Bar in 2005, joined ARNECKE SIBETH DABELSTEIN in 2012
- Representing and advising airlines and companies in the aviation and travel industry (lessors, banks, insurances, ticketing and travel platforms, federations, etc.) with a focus on litigation.
- Professional experience: Bouchon & Hemmerich (2008–2012), Schalast & Partner (2007–2008), law firm Herzog & Kollegen (2005–2007)
- Legal clerkship at Kassel District Court (2002–2004)
- Studied at Christian Albrechts University, Kiel (1996–2001)
Lawyer: Steffen Maelicke
- Admitted to the German Bar in2002, joined ARNECKE SIBETH DABELSTEIN in 2008
- Advice and representation of insurers, P&I clubs, forwarders, and the shipping and transportation industries in transport, forwarding, maritime and air freight law, customs law, hazardous goods law, chemistry, pharmaceutical and food logistics; legal representation/litigation in German lawsuits, coordination of foreign disputes/claims and arrest proceedings, drafting of logistics contracts and terms and conditions, advice on international commercial and foreign trade law
- Professional experience: practicing transport law at Segelken & Suchopar (2002–2008)
- Legal clerkship in Schleswig-Holstein including an internship at the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (2000–2002)
- Studied in Marburg, Köln (1992–1999)
- LL.M., Shipping Law, University of Cape Town (1999), specialist lawyer for transport and shipping law
Lawyer: Dr. Marco Remiorz
- Admitted to the German Bar in 2001, joined ARNECKE SIBETH DABELSTEIN in 2004, Managing Partner
- Advisor and service provider to the (transportation) industry; extensive knowledge in drafting and negotiating project-, supply- and logistics contracts for forwarders, ship owners, airlines, airports, offshore companies, the trading and the manufacturing industry; solution-oriented advice on transport liability, transport- and hull loss damage in respect of all modes of transport insurers and P&I clubs; experienced litigator, arbitrator
- Diverse professional experience with a focus on transport/commerce/insurance at Dabelstein & Passehl, Hamburg (2004–2018), Bodis, Gienapp & v. d. Decken, Hamburg (2001–2004) and with the law department of a large German automotive supplier (1998–1999)
- Legal clerkship in Hamburg, Flensburg and Fresno, California, USA (1999–2001)
- Studied in Bonn, Lausanne (1993–1998)
- PhD in law from Dresden Technical University (2005); lecturer on insurance law at Hamburg University
Job: Referendare und Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter (m/w/d)
ARNECKE SIBETH DABELSTEIN ist eine Full-Service Wirtschaftskanzlei, die mit rund 100 Berufsträgern an fünf Standorten zu den TOP Kanzleien in Deutschland zählt. Wir suchen für unsere Standorte in FRANKFURT AM MAIN, HAMBURG, LEER und BERLIN für alle Rechtsgebiete laufend Referendare und Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter (m/w/d) IHRE VERANTWORTUNG Erstellung von Schriftsätzen, Klage- und Klageerwiderungsschriften sowie von Verträgen […]
/ Jörg Noltin
- Admitted to the German Bar in 2009, joined ARNECKE SIBETH DABELSTEIN in 2009
- Practicing labour and social security law, including M&A transactions. Specialist in maritime labour law. Aviation and sports labour law. Litigation and arbitration. Extended expertise in the industries maritime and offshore wind, in particular the transfer of offshore wind farms.
- Professional experience: Bucerius Law School, Chair of Civil Law, Labour Law and Civil Procedural Law (2005-2008)
- Legal clerkship Frankfurt Higher Regional Court (2003-2005)
- Studied at Westfälische-Wilhelms-Universität Münster (1997–2002)
- LL.M. Maritime Law, Singapore (2008–2009), Degree in Legal Language in English law at Münster University (1998-2000)
Lawyer: Katharina Partmann-Laroque
- Admitted to the German Bar in 2008, joined Arnecke Sibeth Dabelstein in 2015
- Real estate transactions, tenancy law, real estate law, asset and property management, residential property law
- Professional experience: Bögner, Hensel and Partner (2008-2011), Schiedermair (2011-2014)
- Legal clerkship in Berlin (1990–1993)
- Studied in Marburg and Berlin
Lawyer: Albrecht Prestel
- Admitted to the German Bar in 2001, joined Arnecke Sibeth Dabelstein in 2011
- Comprehensive advice and representation in commercial, distribution and corporate law/M&A including contract drafting and negotiation specifically in cross-border matters, long-standing experience in litigation including high volume case numbers, as well as in the field of private international and international civil procedure law
- Professional experience: Since 2001 wide-ranging activity in the field of general corporate and commercial law at a small internationally oriented law firm Frankfurt/Main (2001–2010) and a medium-sized corporate law firm Frankfurt/Main (2010–2011)
- Legal clerkship in Fulda, Frankfurt/Main, Barcelona (Spain), Asunción (Paraguay) (1999-2001)
- Studied at Georg-August University Göttingen and Universidad de Almería (Spain) (1993-1998)
- LL.M. (copyright and media law), Mainz University (2008)
Lawyer: Heiko Eckert
- Licensed since 1999, joined Arnecke Sibeth Dabelstein in 1999
- Advisor and service provider for the construction industry; extensive knowledge of private construction law, specifically in VOB/B; design of construction contracts and sub-contractor agreements; advice and representation in procurement law and contract processing, specifically follow-up management; speaker at numerous seminars of construction law
- Legal clerkship in Dresden and Jeddah/Saudi Arabia at Osama S. Al-Yamani Law Office
- Studied in Dresden
- Specialist lawyer for construction and architectural law
Lawyer: Dr. Jan Tjarko Eichhorn
- Admitted to the German Bar in 2006, joined Arnecke Sibeth Dabelstein in 2006, partner since 2013
- Advising medium-sized and large corporations in both the maritime and non-maritime industry in the context of international commerce; extensive experience in domestic and international financing; extensive advice to shipping companies; founding of joint ventures and other cooperative agreements, advice (including banks and shipping companies) on restructuring measures and the disposal and liquidation of collateral, advising on complex restructurings and rehabilitations of single ships as well as fleets, profound knowledge in the fields of M&A, corporate, and insolvency law, specifically in the maritime field
- Professional experience: Diverse professional experience practicing with a focus on maritime commercial law at Dabelstein & Passehl, Hamburg (2006–2018 working in the import and export industry atEmden harbor while studying for the PhD
- Legal clerkship at Braunschweig Higher Regional Court with trainee elective stages, including Dabelstein & Passehl in Hamburg; a boutique law firm specialising in maritime and maritime insurance law in New York; Göttingen District Court, Chamber of Commerce
- Studied at Georg Augusta University, Göttingen and Hamburg University
- PhD in International Insurance Law, Hamburg University (2005)
Lawyer: Waltraud Langenbruch
- Admitted to the German Bar in 1989; admitted as notary public in 2008; joined ARNECKE SIBETH DABELSTEIN in 2015
- Advice on real estate transactions, project developments, leasehold, residential property (and combinations thereof), real estate financing, complex neighbor agreements
- Partner at Schiedermair law office Frankfurt (2011–2014), Partner at Bögner, Hensel & Partner, Frankfurt (2005–2011), Partner at Coudert Brothers, Frankfurt (1999–2004), Partner at Fiedler und Forster, Frankfurt (1993–1998), Associate at Forster, Heide, Ihle, Partmann & Zätzsch (1989–1992)
- Legal clerkship in Frankfurt/Main
- Studied at Justus Liebig University, Gießen
- Administration of Justice graduate
Lawyer: Alexander Engelhard
- Bar admission 2013; joined ARNECKE SIBETH DABELSTEIN in 2017
- Specialized in Dispute Resolution and Sports Law
- Counsel in litigation and arbitration proceedings; acting as arbitrator and certified mediator; advising clients on the drafting of statutes, regulations and contracts
- Awards: Who’s Who Legal Thought Leader 2024 – Sport & Entertainment Germany; Top Lawyer for Litigation (WirtschaftsWoche 2024); Top Lawyer for Sports Law (WirtschaftsWoche 2023); frequently recommended advisor for Dispute Resolution (JUVE Handbook 2018/2019)
- Professional Experience: Secretary General EuroLeague Players Association (ELPA, since 2022); Lawyer at Martens Rechtsanwälte, Munich (2013-2017)
- Memberships: German Institution of Arbitration (DIS); Sport Resolutions (UK) – Specialist Member International Panel
- Lecturer at Goethe University Frankfurt for German and International Arbitration and Dispute Resolution in National and International Sport
Lawyer: Katja H. Brecke
- Admitted to the German Bar since 2011, joined Arnecke Sibeth Dabelstein in 2011
- Representation and advice to domestic and international airlines, banks, lessors, and companies in the aviation and travel industry, including aircraft and aircraft engine transactions, repossession of airplanes, contract and regulatory issues, questions of liability, claims handling, representation before courts and governmental agencies
- Professional experience: European Agency for Flight Safety/EASA (2010–2011)
- Legal clerkship at the Stuttgart Higher Regional Court District and at the German Administrative University of Applied Sciences, Speyer
- Studied at Leiden University, Netherlands (2010), New York University NYU, SCPS, USA (2008–2009 ), Lausanne University, Switzerland (2001–2002), Mannheim University (2000–2004)
- Law Society of Ireland, Diploma in Aviation Leasing and Finance (2015); LL.M. in Advanced Studies in Air and Space Law from Leiden University, Netherlands (2010)
Lawyer: Dr. Werner Blau
- Admitted to the German Bar since 1981, joined ARNECKE SIBETH DABELSTEIN in 2004
- Comprehensive advice and representation of domestic and foreign clients in the fields of antitrust law, industrial property rights, as well as distribution and commercial agency law including drafting and negotiation of contracts for supply, research and licensing. Representation of clients in court and vis-á-vis German and European supervisory and antitrust authorities.
- Professional experience: Lawyer / Partner at Albert Flad Schlosshan, Frankfurt/Main (from 1985), Gaedertz Rechtsanwälte (from 1998), later Mayer Brown in Frankfurt/Main (until 2004)
- Legal clerkship in Frankfurt/Main (1979–1980)
- Studied at Albert-Ludwigs-University in Freiburg and Goethe-University in Frankfurt/Main
- PhD in competition law from Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main
- Mediator
Lawyer: Constanze Heymann
Specialist lawyer for labour law
- Admitted to the German Bar in 2009, joined Arnecke Sibeth Dabelstein in 2016
- Employment law, social law, corporate law, compliance/data security, temporary employment, service contracts incl. managing director service contracts, protection of personal data of employees, as well as data protection within group companies
- Professional experience: Head of legal department at KTG Agrar SE, research assistant at Noerr LLP
- Legal clerkship at Superior Court of Justice, Berlin and Sydney
- Studied at Humboldt University, Berlin
Lawyer: Jan-Niklaas Brons
- Admitted to the bar since 2010, joined ARNECKE SIBETH DABELSTEIN in 2016
- Attorney with professional experience in maritime commercial law: advisor to shipping companies, the shipbuilding industry and maritime service providers. Many years of experience in handling maritime accidents, especially ship collisions, salvage and arrest proceedings.
- Advising small and medium-sized companies (non-marine) on commercial law aspects, in particular contract drafting, also in international commercial and goods traffic.
- Professional experience: International law firm in Hamburg and P&I Club correspondent and since 2016 at the northern locations (Hamburg, Leer) at ASD.
- Studies at the Universities of Göttingen and LL.M. (Shipping Law) at the University of Cape Town, South Africa.
- Several years abroad in the USA, South Africa, China
- LL.M. (Shipping Law) Cape Town, South Africa
Lawyer: Dr. Thomas Brüggemann
- Admitted to the German Bar in 1989, joined ARNECKE SIBETH DABELSTEIN in 1989
- advice and assistance to the maritime industry; arbitrator, shipbuilding and supply industry, ship financing, shipping law; experienced litigator
- Diverse professional experience practicing with focus on transport/commerce and in the maritime industry at Dabelstein & Passehl, Hamburg (1989–2002), Dabelstein & Passehl, Leer (2002–2018)
- Legal clerkship in Hamburg and Sydney, Australia (1985–1988)
- Studied at Georg-August-University, Göttingen (1979–1984)
- PhD in Law from Georg-August-University Göttingen (1988)
Lawyer: Holger Bürskens
- Admitted to the German Bar in 1992, joined ARNECKE SIBETH DABELSTEIN in 1992
- More than 25 years of experience advising the transport industry; structuring and handling of transport and logistics projects, contract drafting (e.g. forwarding, carriage, storage, packaging and logistics service agreements, framework contracts with suppliers and subcontractors, terms and conditions, etc.), claims handling, litigation, arbitration (ICC/DIS/ZPO)
- Regular speaker at industry events and international conferences (e.g. IATA)
- Co-Author Handbook on International Commercial Law (Transport Law)
- Legal clerkship in Frankfurt/Main and San Francisco
- Goethe-University in Frankfurt/Main
- LL.M. (McGill), Montreal
- Specialist lawyer for transport and freight forwarding law (Fachanwalt für Tranport- und Speditionsrecht)
Lawyer: Lars Kortländer
- Admitted to the German Bar in 2015, joined ARNECKE SIBETH DABELSTEIN in 2016
- Maritime law, transportation & logistics, ship financing, and restructuring
- Professional experience: practiced at a renowed maritime law firm
- Legal clerkship at Hamburg Higher Regional Court with trainee elective stages at Hapag Lloyd, and the Authority of Industry Traffic and Innovation Hamburg (2011–2014)
- Studied in Freiburg im Breisgau with a focus in European and international legal and commercial relations(2005–2010)
- LL.M., Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia (2010–2011)
Lawyer: Dr. Justin Kotthaus
- Admitted to the German Bar in 2012, joined ARNECKE SIBETH DABELSTEIN in 2011
- Focus in general commercial law, contract drafting and negotiation, specifically in the field of shipbuilding and suppliers as well as the off-shore wind industry
- Legal clerkship in Hamburg (2009–2011)
- Studied in Hamburg, Rome (2001–2007)
- PhD in law at Hamburg University (2012)
Lawyer: Dr. Robert Šafran
- Admitted to the German Bar in 2003, admitted as Notary Public in 2017, joined Arnecke Sibeth Dabelstein in 2014
- Corporate law (focus on stock corporation law); corporate law-related disputes; M&A; liability of executive bodies; procedural law, Notary Public
- Professional experience: Wellensiek Rechtsanwälte (2003-2006), Schalast & Partner (2006-2008), partner at BHP Bouchon Hemmerich & Partner (2008-2013)
- Legal clerkship at the Landgericht (regional court) Darmstadt (1999-2001)
- Studied at, and PhD in Law from, Goethe University, Frankfurt/Main (1994-1999)
- LL.M. (Master of Mergers & Acquisitions), Frankfurt School of Finance and Management
Lawyer: Dr. Olaf Hartenstein
- Admitted to the German Bar in 2004, joined Arnecke Sibeth Dabelstein in 2004 (until 2018: Dabelstein & Passehl)
- International commercial and transport law, maritime and inland waterway navigation law, insurance law, international and European civil procedural law, arbitration
- Lecturer at the University of Hamburg (since 2022)
- Lecturer at the Paris Institute of Comparative Law (1998–2000)
- Legal clerkship in Hamburg, Bangkok, Beijing (2000–2003)
- Studied in Freiburg, Paris, Kiel (1991–1997)
- D.E.A. (Sorbonne), LL.M. (Assas)
Lawyer: Claudia Hamm
- Licensed since 1998, joined Arnecke Sibeth Dabelstein in 2008
- More than 20 years of experience advising national and international companies on IT law, data security, bank and capital markets law, e-commerce, and e-payment. Advice, specifically on contract design in the above mentioned fields, as well as implementation and compliance of (new) corporate legal requirements. Representation of domestic and international companies in judicial and extrajudicial litigations and arbitration.
- Professional experience: Head of law and personnel at eps Electronic Payment Systems AG (2001–2008), staff member law & policy matters at GZS Gesellschaft für Zahlungssysteme mbH (1995–2001)
- Legal clerkship in Frankfurt am Main
- Studied at the Goethe Unversity, Frankfurt am Main
- Specialist lawyer for bank and capital markets law
Lawyer: Mark Riebau
- Admitted to the German Bar in 2005, joined Arnecke Sibeth Dabelstein in 2013
- Practicing in the area of corporate law and M&A, corporate finance, extensive knowledge and experience in the field of corporate structuring and restructuring, structuring and negotiating of transactions with a special focus on real estate and renewables
- Professional experience: Extensive experience as in-house counsel, lawyer and member of interdisciplinary teams in the field of financial markets and rehabilitation at Arnecke Sibeth, Frankfurt/Main (2013–2018), Aderhold/Rölfs Partner, Leipzig (2008–2012), SUSAT and Partner, Leipzig (2005–2007), as well as Knoll & Kessler, Leipzig (2002–2005)
- Legal clerkship in Dresden and Leipzig
- Studied in Göttingen, Halle und Leipzig (1997–2001)
Lawyer: Sybille Rexer
- Licensed since 1996, joined ARNECKE SIBETH DABELSTEIN in 2012
- Extensive experience as a lawyer in transport law, aviation law, maritime law, insurance law, IP/IT, representation and advice in and out of court, international litigation coordination, French Desk
- Professional experience: Law firm Elbchaussee 81 (1998–2012), Lawyers Ehlermann, Rindfleisch, Gadow (before: Ehlermann & Jeschonnek), Hamburg (1996–1998),
- Legal clerkship in Hamburg und Kiel
- Studied in Hamburg, Heidelberg, Mannheim, Dallas
Lawyer: Dr. Oliver Peltzer
- Admitted to the German Bar in 1996, joined ARNECKE SIBETH DABELSTEIN in 2008
- Advice to companies in the energy industry, specifically on activities in the offshore wind industry, acquisition and sale wind park projects, building and financing of special purpose vessels; transportation and installation contracts (FIDIC, LOGIC, BIMCO etc.), special agreements, e. g. rock placement decommissioning, harbour services. Advice to companies in the maritime and aviation industry, OEM and supply contracts, development of complex international transport and logistic chains, inland haulage, logistics hubs, port handling, crane services, in-time delivery, production assurance, KPI. M&A in the maritime industry, and the offshore wind industry, establishment of maritime business, acquisition of business partners, acquisition and liquidation of shares, projects, and plants.
- Professional experience: head of the department for law and risk management at Volkswagen Logistics GmbH & Co. OHG (2003–2008), managing director of MC Private Equity GmbH (2002–2003), board member of MC Services AG (2000–2002), associate at Linklaters DeBandt in Brussels and Antwerp/Belgium (1998–2000)
- Legal clerkship in Berlin and Singapore (1995–1996)
- Studied in Berlin, Paris and Bonn (1988–1993)
- Financial analyst, Chartered Financial Analyst, CFA I and CFA II (since 2003); mediator, Green Tree Mediation Centre (since 2001)
- PhD in Law from Tübingen University (1999)
- LL.M. in Stellenbosch/Southafrica (1994)
- M&A transaction involving the sale of the entire offshore wind section of a construction company, combined asset and share deal, transfer of various financing models, negotiation with a number of stakeholders
- M&A transaction for the sale of a windfarm project, seller due diligence, share deal, defense against unfounded claims by third parties, simultaneous signing and closing
- Extensive and complex tender proceedings with several suppliers, preparation of contracts, negotiation with tenderers, contract signing
- Support of a Chinese, listed company in the restructuring of numerous projects in the renewable energy industry
- Several ICC arbitration proceedings
Lawyer: Dr. Jan Dreyer
- Admitted to the German bar in 1989, joined Arnecke Sibeth Dabelstein in 1996
- Practice in the maritime industry with a focus on contract drafting and negotiation for the shipbuilding and supplier industry, ship financing, maritime and transport insurance law. Extensive experience in litigation, arbitration and recourse actions and as arbitrator, conciliator and mediator. Expert witness on German law in foreign court proceedings. Instructed by shipowners, banks, insurers, shipyards and suppliers, off-shore corporations and yacht owners.
- Professional experience: Dabelstein & Passehl, managing partner (2013–2017), vice managing partner (since 2000); in-house counsel at Blohm + Voss shipyard; focus on large-scale plant construction, shipbuilding and repair contracts, as well as shipbuilding supply (1993); international major law firm, focus on corporate law, first experiences in maritime law (1991–1993), apprenticeship as a banker in Hamburg (1978–1980)
- Legal clerkship in Hamburg, Houston, Texas/USA at the German-American Chamber of Commerce and Los Angeles, California/USA at an international law firm (1986–1989)
- Studied in Hamburg and Freiburg im Breisgau (1980–1985)
- PhD in law (1989–1990), specialist lawyer for insurance law
Lawyer: Prof. Dr. Andreas Gran
- Admitted to the German Bar in 1997, joined ARNECKE SIBETH DABELSTEIN in 2014
- Lawyer and lecturer; extensive knowledge in drafting and negotiating of logistics contracts, long-standing litigation experience, M&A and private equity transactions, focus on matters of international law, author of numerous expert papers in logistics, M&A, international law; numerous specialist lectures
- Professional experience: Lawyer with a focus on transport/trade/insurance/ M&A; Equity Partner at Görg Rechtsanwälte (2008–2013), Head of the global industry group Transport and Logistics at Clifford Chance (2003–2008) as well as Gran & Collegen (1998–2003)
- Legal clerkship in Frankfurt/Main and San Diego, California/USA (1994–1997)
- Studied at Goethe University Frankfurt/Main (1990–1994) and in Brussels/Belgium (1998)
- LLD Goethe University Frankfurt/Main; scholarship Airport Foundation; LL.M./D.E.A. from Brussels University (KUB/FUSL),
- Specialist lawyer for transport and shipping law,
- Professor at ISM (International School of Management)
Lawyer: Ralf Sauer
- Admitted to the German bar in 2003, joined Arnecke Sibeth Dabelstein in 2011
- Legal advice and assistance to medium-sized and globally operating companies, specifically in the automotive, chemicals and food sectors, in the fields of real estate law (focused on construction and architectural law, project control, sales and leases of real estate), general contract law and litigation. Extensive experience in real estate and corporate law advice, as well as in transactions (share deals and asset deals). Well-versed in targeted- and solution-orientated enforcement of rights; experienced litigator.
- Professional experience: partner with a focus on real estate, corporate, and procedural law at the law firms Bouchon & Partner (2008–2011), Sauer, Schmitt & Krämer (2003–2008); university lecturer on civil, commercial, and corporate law at University of Applied Sciences of Economics and Management (FOM) Frankfurt/Main (2003–2008).
- Legal clerkship in Frankfurt/Main (1997–1999)
- Studied at Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt/Main (1988–1996)
Lawyer: Manuela Weber
- Admitted to the German Bar in 2004, joined Arnecke Sibeth Dabelstein in 2012
- Experienced and recognized specialist in the field of intellectual property and e-commerce; advisor to domestic and international online retailers, airlines, service providers, and brand manufacturers; competent structuring and overseeing of brand portfolios; reliable protection of marketing measurements; successful support of reputable enterprises in the defence of claims from competitors and federations; long-standing expertise in the protection and defence of industrial and intellectual property rights for innovations, investments, intelligent solutions, products, brands, online presence, and expertise
- Professional experience: practice with a focus on protection of industrial property at Battke Grünberg, Dresden (2004–2011), legal assistant at a commercial law firm, Toronto/Canada (2011)
- Legal clerkship in Erfurt, Dresden and Sydney/Australia (2002–2004)
- Studied at Friedrich Schiller University, Jena (1996–2001)
- Specialist lawyer for industrial property protection
Lawyer: Thomas Hertl
- Protection of industrial property rights, in particular development of trademark portfolios and their commercial exploitation as well as defending know-how, trademarks, designs and patents; development of confidentiality-, research- , development- and license agreements; all types of contracts on sale and purchase, e.g. contract manufacturing master supply and distribution including the development of selective distribution systems; court litigation in intellectual property rights and competition rights including all issues concerning IT law, in particular cyber security and the implementation of the GDPR as well as advising enterprises in Germany and abroad in relation to digital business models; all kinds of contract drafting and litigation in media and entertainment law
- Industry focus: sports, media and entertainment, fashion, automotive, engineering and chemical industry
- Specialist lawyer for the protection of industrial property rights
- Joined Arnecke Sibeth Dabelstein in 1995
- Beiten Burkhardt Mittl und Wegener 1991–1995
- Admitted to the German Bar in 1991
- Legal clerkship in Darmstadt (1989-1991)
- Studied at Justus-Liebig-Universität, Gießen and Johann-Wolfgang-von-Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt/Main
Lawyer: Dr. Carolin Schilling-Schulz
- Admitted to the German Bar in 2004, joined Arnecke Sibeth Dabelstein in 2012
- Practice areas : insurance law, insurance intermediary law, litigation and arbitrations, insurance law advice on offshore risks, insurance tax law
- Professional experience: practicing at two law firms with focus on insurance law (2004-2012), working for a large German insurance broker (1999-2001)
- Legal clerkship in Hamburg, Speyer, and New York
- Studied in Hamburg and Vienna, LL.M. in Insurance Law – Hamburg University, PhDin Insurance Law (Liability Insurance)
Lawyer: Ulrich Steppler
- Admitted to the German Bar in 2002, joined Arnecke Sibeth Dabelstein in 2007
- Representing and advising airlines and companies in the aviation and travel industry (lessors, banks, insurance companies, ticketing and travel platforms, associations etc.)
- Professional experience: ARNECKE SIBETH (2015–2018), ARNECKE SIEBOLD (2007–2015)
- Legal clerkship at the Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court and in New York (1999–2001)
- Studied at Philipps University, Marburg (1993–1999), University of Kent at Canterbury, England (1995–1996)
- LL.M. Mainz University of Applied Sciences (2007); banking apprenticeship in Gießen, Frankfurt/Main, Toronto/Canada (1991–1993)
Lawyer: Andreas Fuchs
- Admitted to the German Bar in 1996, joined Arnecke Sibeth Dabelstein in 2014
- Advice on contractual /regulatory matters and legal representation of domestic and international logistic services providers and companies in the forwarding and transportation industry in the field of transport, logistics, warehousing, forwarding and airfreight law
- Special focus on pharmaceutical logistics, temperature-controlled transports, and CEP services
- Professional experience: Lawyer in the field of commercial and transportation law (1996-2007), In-House counsel at a medium-sized logistics company in the CEP sector (2007-2014)
- Legal clerkship in Darmstadt (1993-1996)
- Studied at Philips University, Marburg (1985-1993)
Lawyer: Carsten Vyvers
Lawyer, forwarding agent, specialist lawyer for transport and forwarding law
- Admitted to the German Bar in 2007; joined Arnecke Sibeth Dabelstein in 2008
- Practice area: transport, aviation, logistics, insurance and litigation; advising and acting on behalf of transport, freight forwarding and logistics enterprises in respect of contractual negotiations and contract drafting; advice on standard terms and conditions, defending against claims for damages out of court and in litigation; enforcement of freight claims
Professional experience:
- 05/2007 – 12/2007 Big-4 audit firm, focus on VAT/customs
– Consulting on sales tax series transactions
– Preparation of advance sales tax returns - 07/1997 – 09/2004 medium-sized forwarding agency, activities in
– accounting/controlling/cost calculation
– Disposition, focus on national road haulage
– warehouse management
- Legal clerkship: 10/2004-11-2006 Higher District Court Düsseldorf (District Court Mönchengladbach), University for Administrative Sciences Speyer, airport Köln/Bonn
- Studies: 10/1998-04/2004 Heinrich-Heine-University, Düsseldorf; Distance Learning University Hagen
- Freight forwarding manager (Logistics Academy Nordrhein-Westfalen/freight forwarding Reiner Bohnen 1/2001-5/2002), specialist lawyer for transport and freight forwarding law, legal specialist course in insurance law
Lawyer: Fiona Maria Trabold
- Admitted to the bar since 2018, joined ARNECKE SIBETH DABELSTEIN in 2017
- Lawyer in the field of trademark and competition law, with a particular focus on the areas of food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, chemicals & sports law as well as civil procedure law, especially in summary proceedings
- Specialised lawyer for industrial property rights (since 2021)
- Legal clerkship at the Darmstadt District Court, with stations at ASD and another medium-sized commercial law firm in Frankfurt am Main (2015-2017)
- Studies at Goethe University, Frankfurt/Main (2008-2015); University of Leicester/UK (2010-2011)
Lawyer: Bernd Thalmann
- Admitted to the German Bar in 1989, joined Arnecke Sibeth Dabelstein in 2009
- M&A, corporate law, corporate governance & compliance, corporate social responsibility
- Professional experience: Equity partner ALBERT, FLAD & SCHLOSSHAN (since 1994), merged to GAEDERTZ (1999–2001), merged to MAYER BROWN (2001–2008)
- Legal clerkship in Frankfurt/Gießen/London (1985–1989)
- Postgraduate studies, University of Georgia, Athens, USA; DAAD scholar (1986–1987), studied at Hamburg University and Justus Liebig University, Gießen (1979–1984)
- LL.M., University of Georgia, corporate responsibility manager, Bayreuth University
Lawyer: Marei Nohlen
- Admitted to the German Bar in 2012, joined Arnecke Sibeth Dabelstein in 2013
- Advising domestic and international companies on individual and collective labour law including judicial and extrajudicial representation; negotiation of Works Constitution Acts with employee representatives; assistance in restructuring measures and labour law advice on compliance and data security
- Professional experience: practice at a commercial law firm in Mannheim (2012–2013)
- Legal clerkship in Heidelberg and Frankfurt (2010–2012)
- Studied at Mannheim University (2005–2010)
- Specialist lawyer for labour law
Lawyer: Oliver Nissen
- Licensed since 2003, joined Arnecke Sibeth Dabelstein in 2007
- Specialised lawyer for transport and forwarding law
- Lawyer, advisor and service provider for airlines and aviation companies, as well as of shipping companies, and carriers in the transport industry, detailed experience and knowledge in international commercial law, specifically in the USA and Canada (long-standing operational experience as a lawyer in Canada); advice on inheritance law/company succession, and migration law
- Professional experience: Lawyer/Foreign Legal Consultant at the law firm Liebrecht & Associates in Toronto and Vancouver/Canada (2003–2007)
- Legal clerkship in Karlsruhe and Vancouver/Canada (2001–2003)
- Studied in Würzburg, Padua (Italy), Münster and Freiburg (1995–2000)
Lawyer: Dr. Thomas C. Körber
- Admitted to the German bar in 2004, joined Arnecke Sibeth Dabelstein in 2014
- Specialist lawyer for commercial legal protection with a focus on trademark and competition law, sports, chemistry, food, cosmetics, and medical law. Seminar leader at the GRUR for trademark, competition and sports law, Lecturer on industrial property protection law at various universities of applied sciences and arbitrator at the German Sports Arbitration Court of the DIS. Frequent speaker and author in leading expert magazines. Advice and litigation, frequently in complex, international and summary proceedings – for large- and medium-sized companies with special focus on the sports, chemistry, food, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, real estate, media and textile industries. Representation before German and European courts and agencies including trademark, design, and patent offices, the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety and at regulatory authorities.
- Professional experience: wide-range experience focussing on trademark, design, and competition law, sports, chemistry, food, cosmetics, and medical law at Klinkert PartGmbB law firm (2010–2014), Kaye Scholer LLP (2008–2010), and Mayer Brown LLP (2004–2008)
- Legal clerkship in Frankfurt/Main, Speyer, Barcelona, London (2001–2003)
- Studied at Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt/Main
- Specialist lawyer for the protection of industrial property rights (since 2010)
- Specialist lawyer for sports law (since 2020)
Lawyer: Thomas Krall
- Admitted to the German Bar in 1983, joined Arnecke Sibeth Dabelstein in 2013
- Real estate law, covering the entire life-cycle of properties, focus on property development, construction, restructuring, transaction, commercial tenancy law, public infrastructure
- Professional experience: Board UfA Theater AG (1992–2000), managing director Deutsche Bahn Immobilien GmbH (2000–2003), project development, construction, asset management, distribution, personnel, PR
- Legal clerkship at Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court (1980-1983)
- Studied at the universities in Cologne and Bonn
Lawyer: Sieke Kremer-Tiedchen
- Admitted to the German Bar in 1996, joined Arnecke Sibeth Dabelstein in 2005
- Focus on financing, finance restructuring, and domestic and international registration of vessels; advice on and negotiation of shipbuilding contracts, sale and purchase of vessels, as well as advice on contracts for the construction, financing and registration of mega yachts
- Professional experience: working for various law firms during and after legal clerkship, partially with a focus on maritime law, as well as as a in-house lawyer for a large German shipping company (1994-2005), and at a law firm operating in the field of German-English commercial law in London (1990-1991)
- Legal clerkship at the Oberlandesgericht Oldenburg, focusing in particular on working for a law firm including a notary public section
- Studied in Passau and Cardiff/Wales
- Certified specialist for criminal law, Certified specialist for family law
News: Across boundaries
Legal Business teamed up with global referral group Interlaw to ask GCs about the service they get across borders